• Predicate Methods

    ruby predicates

    A commonly used definition of a predicate method is a method that returns a boolean value. In Ruby, the convention is to end the method name with a question mark.

    A predicate method should return true or false. (In the reference article, the author mentions that some people instead advocate for a ‘truthy’ value.)

    0.zero? # => true
    1.zero? # => false

    defined? in Ruby might appear to be an exception to the convention as it does not return true or false, but defined? an operator, not a method.

    In Rails, there is a “getter” method generated for each database column by default, like Item#returns_accepted. As a convenience, a question mark method (Item#returns_accepted?) is also generated for boolean database columns which behaves mostly the same but it also converts nil to false.


    The Elements of Ruby Style: Predicate Methods

    19 Mar 2024
  • Rails seeds

    rails real data

    A seeds file is a great addition to a new Rails project. Seed data will allow you to populate your developing app quickly, and unlike manually entering sample data, a seeds file can be run over and over as you work.

    When working on an existing code base, creating seed data is a safe way to learn the data model. And faker can be added to generate data for performance testing.

    faker initial seeds replant

    # db/seeds.rb
    require "faker"
    return if Rails.env.production? # in case someone runs db:seed instead of db:seed:replant
    10.times do
        password: "Not2secret",
    # Initial creating and seeding of database
    $ rails db:seed
    # or
    $ rails db:seed:replant


    Rails 6 adds db:seed:replant task

    11 Nov 2023
  • Copilot language translation

    In a recent Hackathon, content needed to be translated into multiple languages. Initially, web based translation services were used and a small sample was prepared to be used as a seed file.

    It was surprising to find that Github Copilot can help you translate languages!

    hindi.phrases.create!(label: "I need assistance", phrase: "मुझे सहायता की ज़रूरत है",
    pronunciation: "mujhe sahaayata kee jaroorat hai")
    hindi.phrases.create!(label: "Dial 911",
    # then tab and Copilot will suggest:
    hindi.phrases.create!(label: "Dial 911", phrase: "911 डायल करें", pronunciation: "911 daayal karen")

    Much faster than looking up individually and generated 12 translations in 10 languages in minutes.

    28 Oct 2023